Letter from our Co-CEOs
Dear Team Members,
For more than a century, CoorsTek has consistently proven to be an innovative company with a passion to make the world measurably better. We have collaborated to deliver engineered solutions with outstanding value to our customers by leveraging our expertise in materials science and deploying best-in-class research and development along with manufacturing capabilities.
We also pride ourselves by remaining steadfast and committed to lawful business practices. When we face difficult decisions in the workplace, we make integrity, stewardship, and respect our highest priority and we expect our employees, vendors, customers, and other business partners to think and act in the same way.
Our Global Standards for Business Conduct reflect our commitment to conducting business the right way – respectfully, with integrity, and in full compliance with the law. Our Global Standards also provide you with the tools and guidance necessary to make sound business decisions. We expect that you will read our Global Standards thoughtfully and follow them every day.
We are committed to upholding our Global Standards for Business Conduct, and we expect that same commitment from you. By staying true to who we are and how we have done business from generation to generation, together by following our Global Standards, we will continue the path toward achieving our success the right way for many more years to come.
Jonathan Coors, Michael Coors, and Timothy Coors | CoorsTek Co-CEOs