


Privacy and Personal Data Protection

We respect the privacy of all individuals.


We respect the privacy of our coworkers and others with whom we conduct business, and we handle their personal information with care. “Personal information” is any information that could be used to identify someone, either directly or indirectly.

Most countries have data privacy laws that prescribe how to responsibly collect, store, use, share, transfer and dispose of personal information, and we strive to comply with those laws everywhere they apply to us.



You are expected to:

  • Follow our data protection policies and protect any personal information that is entrusted to you
  • Not collect, access, use, retain or disclose anyone’s personal information, except pursuant to relevant and appropriate business purposes
  • Not share anyone’s personal information with anyone, either inside or outside CoorsTek, who does not have a legitimate business need to know it
  • Take steps to properly secure personal information from unauthorized access



What If?
Q: CoorsTek offers a discounted gym membership to its employees. The gym would like to send an invitation to all employees who have not signed up for a membership. This invitation would include marketing information about the gym and how to sign up. The gym asked me to provide a list of my coworkers’ names and address. Is it okay to provide this?

A: It depends, and so before doing anything, contact the CoorsTek Legal Department for guidance. Even if the gym has good intentions and your coworkers may want to receive this marketing information, giving your coworkers’ personal information to the gym may violate our commitment to keep their personal information private.

Additional Resources

Visit the Privacy & Data Protection intranet page* on the CoorsTek Intranet to find global policies and procedures related to privacy and personal data protection.


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*To access the Privacy & Data Protection intranet page, you must be on the CoorsTek VPN or on the network from one of our office or facility locations.