


Working with Governments

We act transparently and lawfully when interacting with governments.

Government Contracting  •  Lobbying  •  Political Activities and Contributions


CoorsTek engages with international bodies, governments, and government officials at multiple levels and in a variety of ways, such as:

  • As a supplier providing products and services
  • As a corporate citizen and taxpayer petitioning to protect our interests
  • As a private sector participant providing jobs and economic opportunities in cities and countries around the world


When interacting with government officials, we act in an honest, accurate, and transparent manner, and follow all CoorsTek policies and procedures and all applicable laws.




Many countries place strict requirements on companies that do business with the government. When selling to, negotiating with or working with government customers, it is critical that you abide by these requirements. Business practices that are acceptable in the commercial arena, such as providing gifts or entertainment, may be unacceptable or illegal in government business.

In addition, through our work with governments, CoorsTek may be entrusted with information and materials that are essential to a country’s national security and that are classified as requiring strict protection against unauthorized disclosure.

If your work involves government contracts, you must know and follow all particular rules that apply to your work. For additional information, you must contact the CoorsTek Legal Department.



As a corporate citizen, CoorsTek may take a position on issues of public policy that could impact our business and may engage in efforts to affect legislation or government policy. However, because regulations on lobbying activities vary around the globe, only certain individuals authorized by CoorsTek may lobby on behalf of CoorsTek.

You must not contact a government official to try to influence legislation or government policy on behalf of CoorsTek unless your efforts have been approved by an appropriate member of the CoorsTek Executive Leadership Team.



You should never participate in, authorize, or give any political contributions on behalf of CoorsTek or for the benefit of CoorsTek.

We recognize your right to participate in the political process as an individual, such as support of and donations to local candidates. However, you may only participate on your own time and at your own expense. You must never use the name, funds, facilities, or assets of CoorsTek for political purposes or contributions.


What If?
Q: My friend is running for political office, and I would like to help with the campaign. Is this allowed?

A: Yes. Your personal political activity is your business. But, you should make sure that you do not use CoorsTek resources, including CoorsTek time, e-mail, or name, to support the campaign.