2025 Marketplace Chaplains
The CoorsTek Chaplains provide confidential, personal/pastoral care in numerous ways and are available to employees and any immediate family members. Trained chaplains provide emotional and/or spiritual support in areas of marriage, family, parenting, other relationships, substance abuse, health/illness, and more. Chaplains visit the worksite to build relationships, but will visit hospitals, homes, perform weddings and funerals as requested. This benefit program is voluntary, paid for by CoorsTek, is a confidential service and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Download Marketplace Chaplains App Instructions (PDF, 307 KB)
2025 Benefit Plan Offering Sections
Disability Insurance (STD/LTD)
Life Insurance / Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Marketplace Chaplains
Medical Plans: United Healthcare & Kaiser
Summaries of Benefits & Coverage (SBCs)
VSP Vision Plans / True Hearing
Questions? Call or email us:
Phone: 303-271-7000
Email: AskHR@coorstek.com