


2025 UnitedHealthcare & Kaiser Medical Plans

CoorsTek is pleased to offer multiple medical plan options through UnitedHealthcare (UHC) and Kaiser (CA, OR, and CO only). You are encouraged to be an informed consumer and compare premiums and coverage to make the best decision for you and your family. 


Expanding your Family


Dispatch Health – Golden CO Only
For more information, download the Dispatch Health flyer:Dispatch Healthcare Icon


UnitedHealthcare logoUnitedHealthcare (UHC) offers multiple tools and programs for CoorsTek employees. Please visit the UHC pre-member site ( or member site ( for important information concerning plan costs, network information, information on how to find a doctor, helpful programs, and member tools.


Kaiser Permante LogoFor more information on Kaiser medical plans, visit: 


Employee Monthly Premiums

  UHC - Choice Plus CDHP Plan
Network: Choice Plus
UHC Bronze Plan
Network: Choice
Kaiser Permanente HSA Eligible Plan
(CA, OR, Golden, CO Only)* 
  In-Network Out-of-Network  In-Network-Only Colorado Oregon  California
Monthly Premium
Employee Only $87 $52 $84 $84 $84
Employee + Spouse $293 $129 $275 $260 $275
Employee + Child(ren) $269 $124 $250 $230 $250
Employee + Family $426  $202 $355 $355 $355

Transparency in Coverage Final Rule
The Transparency in Coverage final rule, released on 10/29/2020, requires health plans and issuers to publicly disclose pricing information via machine-readable files (MRF).

Under the Transparency in Coverage Rule, enforced beginning 7/1/2022, health insurance issuers must publish two separate machine readable files (MRFs) for:

  • In-Network – negotiated rates for all covered items and services between the plan or issuer and in-network providers
  • Out of Network – allowed amount paid to, and billed charges from, out-of-network providers for all covered services within a 90-day period


The link for the Kaiser Machine Readable Files can be found here:  Kaiser - Machine Readable Files

The link for the UnitedHealthcare Machine Readable Files can be found here: Transparency in Coverage (